Internet Marketing SEO: SEO Techniques With My Personal Experience

I want to share my Internet marketing seo techniques with all of you when I am actually implementing these strategies with my site

Thursday, March 23, 2006

SEO Lesson: Use a CSS-driven Design

Guess what!! Just a few 1 week ago, my site bestplatform only have 1 page indexed by Google but when I check it today, I have 29 pages indexed now!! I am so happy and I know that I should thank for the CSS design. When I first started my platform beds site, I used java script for creating my lovely top navigation buttons. Sure it really looks nice and attracting with all the rollover effect. With a bunch of java scritp there, poor Google bots can not find all my sub pages. So I decided to use CSS to redesign my navigation system. After redesigning with CSS, I am still be able to create the same stunning effect but more importantly, it makes all my sub pages "visible" to search engines.
Just a slight change can really makes a big difference. You can see my new CSS-driven site: Platform Bed


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