Internet Marketing SEO: SEO Techniques With My Personal Experience

I want to share my Internet marketing seo techniques with all of you when I am actually implementing these strategies with my site

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Online Marketing - Submit Your Video and Put On Your Site

Other than some traditional online marketing techniques we have seen over the past 10 years, such as on page & off page optimization for top rankings, press release, PPC and online blogging, we are seeing more and more people adopt "multimedia" to get more exposure and response to their business and products.

Besides your favorite site for submitting the video and pod cast, you should definitely submit your video to Google and Yahoo. Additionally, you can get a code that you can simply put on your page and show the video on your site. Since the video is not on your server, so you do not need to worry about the possibility of slowing down your site. By adding a video and especially if a third party can be present and tell people about all the "cool" stuff of your business, you will be able to gain a lot more credibility than just putting plain text on the site.

Below is my sponsor's (as you probably already know - Wholesale Furniture Brokers) first TV commercial and I copy the video code from Yahoo so you can take a look at it. If you don't like it, just do not hit the "play" button.


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